Monday, October 13, 2008


i am surrounded by a lot of dope females these days. they're all i need. conversations are easy. and when i don't check myself, they make sure to remind me to best do that. good looking out.

there's a lot going on but not really anything going on at all.

the most interesting element of my current situation is maintaining the integrity of my status to my elders. i.e. my folks. meaning, they know what's up but only in the form that they see only me all the time. i've made a commitment to myself to keep the details of my shit private and i'm sticking to it. the goal is to give them the opportunity to be supportive/trust me. meanwhile i'm getting a bit of the mary magdalene treatment. sticks and stones blahblahblah. this is the soapbox of my life right here.


the prettiest sound.

one dope female.

stimulating 360 view. sun.

full moon.




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