Tuesday, September 29, 2009

hard looker.

as of yesterday morning, PI network abs-cbn received over 40 billion pesos (about $841,000,000) in donations for the flood relief.  that's positive, right?  hooray, people power.  end of story for most.

yet my personality gets the best of me, and the feel-good emotions don't suffice.  as in, the PI's just received almost 20% of their annual GDP ($144.1 billion) over the weekend.  who's handling all that liquid.  are they experienced in dealing with that much dough.  and then i pray that these decision-makers consider long-term goals, such as improving waste management (more jobs, clear sewers, cleaner water); perhaps investing in dam technology (a clean (natural, cheap) water resources system for the country, practically-free source of power, more jobs); or something that involves using the elements of this disaster into a plan that would make the rain our friend, instead of something that we fear will destroy us.

what does one do with such an opportunity to re-build the philippines.

or, this is just the way i grieve.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

come & go.

flying into LAX last week, i had reason to suppose that i'd be returning home as a widow.  my intuition was off.  but yesterday, it happened to the wife of a good person i knew.  poof.  just like that. 


r.i.p. eric.

on to the next life.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Wednesday Sep 23, 2009 (via elle astrology)

Patience, Capricorn. You’re poised to seal the deal on a matter close to your heart. Though you feel this should have been wrapped up days ago, you can’t speed up nature’s timeline. Surrender to the process. Remind yourself that the sudden jolts of doubt and suspicion are just negative thinking; petty resistances to opening yourself to a new experience. Do what it takes to get in a Zen-like headspace.

It’s a bit of a Catch 22: as you relax, everything begins to flow.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

re-brand ma vie.

it's hard to tell whether i'm really learning about true love, or if i'm just a fool.

pssh.. we're all fools.

but i can see where the catch is.  if i really believe that love is something that never runs out then i'd turn from foolish to simply soaking in every ounce of life i'm in touch with.  right now.

doesn't that sound lovely.

i love to love.
but i really have to mean it.  

i'm working on it.


the best way i can describe the world of people i'm living in right now... it's a galaxy where self-awareness is celebrated & nurtured.  honesty is like handing out (& receiving) an endless stack of hundred dollar bills.  why thank you!  ninja tax breaks.

virgos & bodega.

yolanda gonzalez's studio with the fam.

i spy : saturday, september 5.

i spy : sunday, september 6. into monday...

more monday.



seattle. it really is the northwest version of honolulu. time slows down into a good time.

seattle beginnings.  catfish po'boy.

fish & chips & nw dank.


linda cuts.

lake cruising.

cabasco enviro.

war room eve.

morning stroll.

the wedding celebration of cecilia & montague.

post-nupt therapy with seattle's fave sisters.

treating hangovers in chinatown.

getting lost.

tonal dusk.

thank you kat.

permanent kisses.

tom: and that's it?
summer: the ones that lasted.
tom: what happened?  why didn't they work out?
summer: nothing happened really.  it's what always happens.  life.