Thursday, December 24, 2009

i can't see em comin down my eyes

so i gotta make the song cry.












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when i think 09, i think:

michael: how bad do you think it's gonna be?

clemenza: pretty goddamn bad. probably all the other families will line up against us. that's alright - this thing's gotta happen every five years or so -- ten years -- helps to get rid of the bad blood. been ten years since the last one. you know you got to stop them at the beginning - like they should have stopped hitler at munich, they should never've let him get away with that. they were just asking for big trouble. you know, mike, we was all proud of you - being a hero and all. your father, too.

and so it's on to ten.

10 it is.

twenty ten.

. . . . . .

listen is the most that i can do right now. i find myself feeling some interesting anxiety. post traumatic something via ridiculous delayed reaction.

work in progress.

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finally developed a couple rolls of film i had been sitting on. below are some notables from the stack. *sigh* oh film, how i love you so. nothing could ever compare to you. imitated.. but never duplicated. please don't leave me. EVA.



four seasons. faded.

life is a working vacation.

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

tidbits foreal.

universe: oh you think you've achieved serenity, do you? *zing* (lost keys/sideways rain/hot flashes/etc. on repeat) prove it.

life is a really well-written sitcom.

alright some vernacular. twelve steps are keeping things simple for me these days. as in, i am constantly humbled. and the mantra that goes with is what is my part in this?

relationships. the good ones. it gets to the point where you don't have to say a word. quiet is trust.

did you know that LA City Council members get to express their inner-divas at the expense of tax-paying angelenos? as in, a council member in my hometown gets paid more than a federal judge. & a few of them have over twenty staffers each. oh no.

the non-judgement mantra: everyone's just thinking out loud.

stop everything. ocean & broadway.

q picked skatelab as her 8th bday party venue.

joke candles.

q, david, & luca (< q likes him).


block walking.

a l.e.s. moment.

w.harlem refitted.

55 w.125th street. (fanning out)


the sun-worshipping companion turns trey-trey.

the grass over here is just as green as it is on the other side. enjoy!