Friday, April 18, 2008

san buenaventura-eisenhour

"ang haba,"/"it's so long," (and accompanied by laughter) is what some people tell me about my new last name. yes, i realize that. "but you're married now," "why do want to keep your maiden name," and "oh, you're one of those modern women," are just some of the suggestions/comments that follow.

do i really need to explain my reasons for keeping MY name? shouldn't my partner feel even the least bit lucky that i decided to even add his name to mine?

other comments i receive from people obviously have to do with the historic significance of mackenzie's last name; how having his last name would open more doors for me. okay, anyone who knows me would know my retort to that comment. shiiiit.

anyway, el periódico el país wrote an interesting article about female public figures vs. male public figures. (might need a translation tool)

oh god, i guess this is becoming another women rant... rarr.

a couple of days ago, they had a little thing on the "stir" that angela merkel of germany caused with the outfit she wore to the opera last week. fucking media had the nerve to call it news that the neckline on her gown was too low. give me a fucking break. maybe these idiots hate their mothers for not breastfeeding them or something, but for real though. i hate to think that her breasts could be newsworthy. or that this is what we're calling journalism these days. hey weirdos, when female babies are born into the world, we come out with breasts already on us. it's so annoying how society (a.k.a. men) decided that the shit that we're born with should work against us. insecure, megalo idiots.

on the flipside, spanish p.m. zapatero swore in his cabinet this week - the first time in spanish history where there are an equal number of men and women in the cabinet. a month back i wrote about carme chacón being the first woman in government to be pregnant during her term. well, she's been up'd to defense minister. some international headlines state that spain is "absorbing the shock" of it. my reaction? first woman defense minister in spain. 7 months pregnant. 63% of spain supports her. i tear up just thinking about it.

so sick. and yes, in manolos. (ib times pics)

last thing: when i think about the u.s. possibly electing our first female prez, the LAST thing on my mind is her competence in regards to foreign policy, moreso the middle east crises. meaning, i’ve heard my female peers (journalists and otherwise) claim that it's "obvious" why hillary wouldn't be able to achieve peace out there. hmm… at work we’ve recently acquired two mid-east accounts and no one has room on their plate to deal with them. so although i’d never dealt directly with a client before, they decided to try me out with them. my experience so far: while there was a language barrier to get past at first, one of them just handed me a big chunk of cash for product that they don’t even want yet. so my question is, what's so obvious? last i remember it’s obvious that john mccain wouldn’t be able to – or actually, doesn’t want to achieve peace in the middle east.

how come men are never doubted of their ability to do anything progressive when they're the majority of people who are dropping bombs right now?

Monday, April 07, 2008

am i trippin?

i'm smizzing and flipping through the paper, and this is what i'm reading in the design column, where i usually read about who won the best product design or what uniquely expensive piece of furniture i should aspire to afford and own one day, so i can say "why yes, it's a cassina. i found it in italy last summer":

"... the lettering. Obama's identity contrasts a Hillaryesque serif typeface with a squiggle-free sans-serif presumably to imply that he combines gravitas with youthful vigor. Originally the letters were upper and lower case, which designers generally deploy to convey friendliness. As the campaign progressed, they have switched to all-upper case, which looks more authoritative, just what Obama wants. The sans-serif font changed, too: from Gill Sans, created by the British designer Eric Gill in the early 1900s, to a contemporary American one, Gotham..."

(ok, in case you missed it, this was what i'm reading under the ART section, in the DESIGN column.) so homegirl goes on forever, analyzing logo placements, comparing his branding to that of MTV's and Saks' (...scary...), bloo blee, and then this:

"Obama's design team has developed customized identities for each state - with the sunrise symbol tucked inside a letter - and various interest groups. "Environmentalists for Obama" sports a green and yellow sunrise; the "Kids" in "Kids for Obama" is in hand-drawn lettering; and so on. You don't need a doctorate in semiotics to decode them, or to realize that Obama isn't just trying to prove that he is design-savvier than his rivals, but that he is better equipped to steer America through the complexities of contemporary life."

shit's hilarious.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

stop talking

everybody just relax now. there's nothing to "fear." race and sex and polls blah and blah. who the fuck cares. hahahaha.

don't believe the hype.

stay sucka free!