Wednesday, September 02, 2009

bullet proof soul

it's not about self-improvement, it's about self-acceptance.

i just heard about this concept on sunday morning.   i suppose i've made such a hard habit of improving myself - now as i let go of that, and move on to acceptance (and gratitude), i feel like i'm taking the piss out of other people's time.

(i guess you have to be me to understand that one).

i'm slowly starting to laugh at myself.  in a good way.

. . . . .

okay, here's a turn off: chilling/having an evening with someone of the opposite sex who purposefully does not engage my intelligence.   actually it's very rare that a guy would  engage me in some witty repartée (which is why i can count how many male friends i have on two hands), but uh.   if i'm going to respectfully listen & nod to your views on pop culture, crack, the economy, and babies, it only makes sense that i get a say - that you'll respect - as well.

and depending on how well that goes, it just might count as intellectual foreplay... which i LOVE.

so get your brain out of 1955 dude.

anyway, keep it simple.

. . . . .

no pain, no gain.  i'm re-inventing this concept to fit my spiritual growth.  i used to be scared of getting hurt emotionally.  but now that i've been bruised, it's helping me to find out about myself.  and that's even more painful!  without it though, i don't think i'd be the person who i am today.  even if it means that truthfully, i don't feel that great today.   but why fight it?  not feeling well, sadness, frustration, confusion - they're just as important & meaningful as happiness, success, serenity... it's all real.



showing up.

waiting. bev & flores.

of the times.

débardeur d'été.

smoke color.


sunday endings.

stevie goes tonal.

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