Thursday, November 04, 2004

the sun

23 degrees, originally uploaded by mjane.

i actually got some sleep last night and had a really nice and peaceful dream. i *sighed* of relief when i woke up because it was already morning. such a difference from the week before: either i'd wake up before sunrise or i couldn't seem to sleep until the sun came up. but i did do a lot of reading and finished wuthering heights. i was reading all of this non-fiction before that, and it started to become all too real - once i started seeing marilyn monroe and the mafia in my dreams, i knew it was time to switch it up. ironically though, wuthering heights reminded me a lot of st. paul.
. . .
the weather here is so beautifully bizarre right now. it feels like summer. it's forecasted to get warmer the next few days. i'm soaking up every ounce of it; come 2 weeks from now, i'll be in a new city where the weather is sure to match the season.

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