Monday, November 08, 2004

the "grass is greener" theory

even if you make it to the "other side", i guarantee you there will be yet another side and another side and another side until you accept the idea that green is as green as you make it, whatever side you're on***.
. . .
"paper" wedding is tomorrow. move to paris is next tuesday. it's hard to believe that this is all happening. the reality of my being here is still very much a shock to me. it's so different from the ideas that mackenzie and i had almost a year ago when we were planning everything from l.a. i thought we were moving to monaco back then!

i'm learning that i can plan as much as i want, but until it's real, there really is no plan. i'm also beginning to get used to the idea that it's easy to be busy; and the opposite is challenging... but more thoughtful, rewarding, and actually more productive.
. . .
still reading strangers' blogs. there were a couple i saw the other day that i found particularly entertaining. a girl calls herself a "lobster and shrimp honey" and was stoked that she got backstage passes to the jay-z/r kelly concert; she was planning to wear her "notorious thugs" stilletos. another one was talking about leaving the u.s., using consumerism as therapy, and types sighs exactly the way i do, like this: *sigh*
. . .
speaking of consumerism, don't do it. especially if you don't agree with the bush administration. don't help them. cut up that credit card. save your money. look good by feeling good.

besides, the dollar is down.

***exception: middle america, a.k.a. the red states, a.k.a. we gotsta vote for bush because we's a scared and fearful folks, a.k.a. we actually think terrorists care enough to bomb our tiny, inbred populations, a.k.a. we vote for presidents who says jesus christ talks to them, a.k.a. fucking idiots, etc., etc., etc.

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