Monday, December 20, 2004

happy holidays

i'm finally getting into the holiday spirit. it's cold and crispy out, lights and decorations are all over the city, and sometimes i'll hear an american christmas song playing here and there.
. . .
mackenzie and i caught a tele-drama this weekend called, la liberte de marie (marie's freedom). it was so danielle steele, i loved it! it was about this girl, marie, she got married at 15 to an older guy who works at a newspaper. they live with his mother whose home is situated above an antique jewelry shop she owns. and like all juicy, non-sensical romance dramas, marie works in her mother-in-law's shop; mother-in-law is mean and bossy to marie; marie's husband is a total mama's boy who won't defend marie when mother-in-law slaps her around; marie has an ongoing affair with mama's-boy-husband's co-worker, a photographer at the newspaper; photographer drowns mama's boy in a lake; marie's totally freaked out by the fact that he murdered homie to solve their dilemma; they're both haunted by past husband's spirit; mother-in-law convinces marie to marry photographer; marie's not feeling photographer any more and leaves him; photographer goes crazy, gets a gun, and shoots himself in the heart.

1 comment:

amyrottencore said...

I don't know how international tv reception works over there, but if you liked that movie, you'd love to subscribe to LMN, which is the "Lifetime Movie Network." Yeah, there's the "Lifetime" channel, but LMN is purely "Lifetime" movies. If you can't get that channel in France, email me if there's a Lifetime movie you need to see and I'll tape it for you. For myself, I know these movies have molded me into a really street smart vixen and if we can help others, I'd feel like a hundred bucks.