Thursday, August 12, 2004

vive la westside:part i

as i have less than 30 days to enjoy this great place, it's no less than obvious that one pay tribute to such a town so chill yet happening known best as the westside.

the santa monica big blue bus #2:
i started taking the bus to work after having come back from a new york summer holiday in 2003. i love new york so much! it's one of the best cities in the world! but as my home is l.a., i guess taking the bus gave me the best of both cities. west l.a. is so chill. hardly anyone takes advantage of public transportation out here. and n.y.c.'s so busy and small where most people either can't afford to have a car in the city or can't afford to be late to work... either way, everyone's on any and every type of public transportation the city has to offer that it becomes nostalgic of new york. true, it's nice to have my car and have that sense of control, but observing/experiencing the various vibes which walk in and out of the bus or train you're on is the best experience. sometimes funny, sometimes a little creepy, sometimes really tall, tan and absolutely gorgeous...

which brings me to "the 2": homie who drives the bus that takes me home tuesday and thursday nights, the engineering majors conversing about defense technology, the peace protesters at the fed bldg who always slip bumper stickers through the bus windows, the vietnam vets who talk different stories the whole way home, and the girl who i always laugh and drink with at parties but never speak to when on the same bus together, among so many interesting experiences on the 2.... thank you! it's been fun!

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