Friday, August 13, 2004


photograph: m.tnasuttimonkol, originally uploaded by mjane.

camera ---> my insecurites, fears... i forget about them all. they end up becoming realities to laugh about.

camera ---> like one night last week... some good shots, some bad. but all around, it just is. and that's probably the most amazing part of taking pictures - is how "just is" it really is.

camera ---> a pleasant little buzz you have "forever". distracting enough to have fun. but honest enough to be realistic. it's a hard interest to have because once you get into it... it's over!

you fall in love.
well, maybe.
maybe it's just a passing thing, but i like to think that it will be one "constant" i can count on when it comes to feeling organic, really good, healthy, full of laughter, smiles, affection...

camera ---> affection for it: addicting.

camera ---> "i tried taking pictures. but they're so mediocre. i mean, every girl goes through a photography phase, you know, like horses? you know, you take dumb pictures of your feet." ~lost in translation.

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