Thursday, August 19, 2004

at last:a proper review of the almighty H2

"American Excess" is right

But I'll let you in on this: My Hummer was a paper tiger. It accelerated like a wheelchair on an upslope. It was a Macy's Thanksgiving balloon, huge and unwieldy, with plastic bits where I expected sheet metal, and all the cushy conveniences of a high-end recliner. It was Mr. T on the outside, Mr. Rogers on the inside.

Well said, Ms. Morrison.

Here's to all the H2 drivers in the westside who either have come close to hitting me or have hit on me while in their big, muscle-y tanks: I do apologize for laughing at you (not with you) and also for the inadvertent saliva spitting out of my mouth to your nicely detailed/waxed H2 exteriors.


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