Friday, May 02, 2008

fine lines...

the only difference between now and the reagan years is that my parents aren't threatening to divorce each other over money woes these days. they're actually chilling (dad's retired now after thirty years of federal service). and while gas prices may be ridiculously high ($3.95 at my local pump), the good thing is that i'm inclined to spend just that more time with my folks instead of immediately jumping in my car to consume something.

yesterday while driving west on santa monica blvd. from m+b gallery, i was tripping on a caltrans sign on the side of the road. it said that as of january 08 it's illegal to smoke in your car if there's a minor riding with you. so basically, i should be carding kids before i let them in my ride. hahahaha

the thing is, i'm the happiest i've ever been. i am home! the Man keeps dropping his fear bombs, but the truth is he's the Old Man now. no matter how much botox he injects, his shit's tired. and i'm laughing, loving, and smoking through it all.

"roll that shit, light that shit, smoke..."

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