Thursday, September 14, 2006


i had a lot of free time last week - so much so that i was online a lot more than usual. the kind of time when you find yourself reading through strangers' blogs. well, in this case, they weren't necessarily strangers' blogs - many are acquaintances i've met during my days of working on sneaker events, going to tradeshows, and otherwise. the blogs seemed to coincide with what mackenzie refers to as "envy-blogging." it could be as simple as saying, i know people who are cool, instead of saying that you went to asr this year. again.

so i start school next week at the university of barcelona. it's so exciting. i think this is only the second time in my life when i'm stoked to go to school. the first being my LSAT classes, and this time with Spanish language classes. i decided that this past weekend would be my last one of straight chillin. the weather was super nice. and monday was a holiday for the catalonians. i had my bacon, eggs and rice on saturday morning, slept the rest of the afternoon at the beach, and then watched factotum, a film about charles bukowski. on sunday, mackenzie's parents, inger and charles, came to visit us after mingling at the international festival of photojournalism, visa pour l'image in perpignan...

in other words, i hung out with my in-laws this weekend.

eh, just look at the photos.

jesus as la rosa negra, originally uploaded by mjane.

charles kicking it on the corner, originally uploaded by mjane.

parque güell with mack and inger, originally uploaded by mjane.

the roof of the pedreda, originally uploaded by mjane.

i get vertigo in places like these, originally uploaded by mjane.


MONKEYfightingSTYLE said...

a genius...but a mad crazy genius.
but i guess that comes along with the title.

MONKEYfightingSTYLE said...

a genius...but a mad crazy genius.
but i guess that comes along with the title.

Anonymous said...

Maria,a certain diffi-culty appears to me when wanting to express a comment.As the digital print flickers up on the screan I remember when on a scrap of paper you wrote down the referrances of your blog...Happiness is what comes to me when I see my friends enjoying lie-fe.I miss you both greatley and sorry if I'm screwing up the whole blog-idea-issue-phonemena thing with this sort of comment none comment scribble.Take care,enjoy uni,and hope to see you both soon.
the bold boy who has verbal diaherra