Saturday, July 15, 2006

to tell you the truth...

there is one issue i consciously avoid talking about at all costs - it's the one issue where i've really decided that my opinions on it are better kept to myself. and even as i write this, i'm stuttering. but the issue has gotten to the point where i just can't understand how certain actions can be justified, how people like me would rather hold it under our breath than say out loud: god, i can't even bring myself to say it!

fortunately, i read something from Amal Saad-Ghorayeb, some professor of political science at the Lebanese-America University, in the Guardian this morning that, in my opinion, is one fair icebreaker regarding this affair:

It is ironic, given Israel's bombing of civilian targets in Beirut, that Hizbullah is often dismissed in the west as a terrorist organisation. In fact its military record is overwhelmingly one of conflict with Israeli forces inside Lebanese territory. This is just an example of the way that the west employs an entirely different definition of terrorism to the one used in the Arab world and elsewhere, where there is a recognition that terrorism can come in many forms.

with that, i'm pretty frustrated with how "the west" has regarded resistance as terrorism... more simply, it's a joke that the rich white dude who represents the u.s. even opens his mouth in public to say things on the matter. a fucking joke.

clearly i can't find the words to elaborate on it much further in a "fair" manner. even if i did say it, it's a cliché at this point. so cliché that it's corny. in other words, this shit is getting old! meaning, die already so we can move on!

i wish it were that simple.

subsequent titles for this entry:
old dudes, small dicks (a.k.a. get over it)
does rupert murdoch own now too?
this some scary shit right here

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