Friday, July 21, 2006

street, late night, old nice, originally uploaded by mjane.

i've been having a lot of time to myself lately. it's nice. mackenzie and i watched the motorcycle diaries last weekend while we were house-sitting in st. paul. this film is inspirational. two young inconnus really soaking in "life" and taking advantage of making each moment of it the best they could. these guys define what being high on life is really all about. amazing.

reminds me of an old friend tara who passed away last month. she was 27. we kicked it a lot from 95-98. our friends used to plan big all-ages parties in places like the roosevelt hotel and country clubs in the valley... pasadena, encino... sometimes we'd throw house parties planned within only hours in advance. we'd take money at the door, bouncers, drinks, d.j.s, lights, everything. and at the end of the night after cleaning and divvie'ing up the money, we'd treat ourselves to a late night dinner at denny's with the extra cash. when we weren't doing that, we were just kicking it hard. always rolling at least two cars deep to the beach, a restaurant, someone's house, the movie theather, wherever. and tara, whatever we did or wherever we went, was always chilling, going with the flow... one free-spirited homie who took life as it came and enjoyed it.

people chillin, originally uploaded by mjane.

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