Tuesday, May 16, 2006

bumper to bumper

even though i could give two shits about being stuck in traffic in l.a., it can be quite unnerving while experiencing some in the little town of nice. first of all, traffic here is usually exceptional. granted, there is some new traffic due to the tramway construction, but nothing "l.a." enough where you're literally sitting in the same spot on the road for more than 5 minutes. then there's the exceptional traffic - one could usually expect to find traffic on a tuesday after a long weekend, during the cannes film festival, or during the week of carnaval right before lent starts.

in this case, nicolas sarkozy, the interior minister of france, was in town holding a conference for all the regional interior ministers of france. heavy duty. they closed off the major road from the airport to nice centre ville. that causes a bit of a problem for little impatient me at 7pm as all i want to do is get out of nice. so with no buses running and mackenzie stuck in traffic somewhere on the promenade, i had no choice but to walk a little bit in order to meet mackenzie halfway. a lovely sidenote: while clinking champagne glasses on 5-star-hotel rooftop terraces overlooking the mediterranean, sarkozy and the other interior ministers were scheduled to discuss terrorism and immigration. meanwhile he had cops on standby everywhere to ensure his security.

cop cars holding shit up, originally uploaded by mjane.

chillin cops, originally uploaded by mjane.


MARILYN said...

Let's hope you had the right shoes on... suitable for walking and not just a "must have" pair. I miss you Jane... hurry to LA. I need a fashion district fix.


MARILYN said...

Let's hope you had the right shoes on... suitable for walking and not just a "must have" pair. I miss you Jane... hurry to LA. I need a fashion district fix.

MARILYN said...

Let's hope you had the right shoes on... suitable for walking and not just a "must have" pair. I miss you Jane... hurry to LA. I need a fashion district fix.