Saturday, December 24, 2005

happy holidays

tres abstract, tres french, originally uploaded by mjane.

2005 is gonna be in the books soon. it's been a fantastic psychedelic super puffy crazy and trippy ride this year. a lot of learning, a lot of fun, a lot of growing up (while maintaining a healthy glow), a lot of projects, and open doors. in the end, i'm happy to say that i have no regrets.

with that, imma pop that champagne bottle as i ride out the rest of the 05 this weekend. i'm starting the new year come monday. start early, finish strong. that's how i roll.

. . . and party, and bullshit, and party, and bullshit . . .


Ruchir said...

Hmm... Merry Christmas!

MONKEYfightingSTYLE said...

and party and party and party and party...and smoke and drAnk and smoke and drAnk and grub and laugh and yahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh boyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!