Wednesday, January 12, 2005

le premier jour des soldes!

hi, my name is jane, and i love to shop. but i'm picky and am never sold on something without having done my research. i never buy anything regularly-priced, and even if i get pieces at wholesale prices, i remain skeptical until i know in my heart that yes, my hard-earned cash is worth handing over to any one label. oh, and i've always got my iPod playing loudly in my ears as to not be deceived by any clothing that tries to scream my name. keeping this in mind, i'm bracing myself for the start of a 6-week sale happening in every boutique and department store in France.

one of France's treasures, annual sales, are only permitted to occur twice a year: winter and the end of summer. this year, the country-wide winter sale goes from january 12 to the end of february. and from what i've seen so far on my way to work this morning, there are lots of goodies to choose from! though it will be interesting to peruse racks of clothing and shoes in tiny aisles with more women than anyone wants to be around wearing big, poofy winter coats... we'll see how composed and graceful the parisiennes remain during a sale!

in other news, i received an email from langue onze, the non-profit institution i'm to take my french classes at in february. they're not sure if they can admit me because they need more people to register in the advanced class they determined i should be in after a short french writing test i took. advanced?!? if i'm so advanced, why can't i carry a conversation with anyone out here!!! putain...

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