Thursday, September 30, 2004

la pillule

went uptown to see if i could get a prescription from the village doctor.
she has office hours when anyone can come up and see her.
no appointment necessary.
usually there's hardly a wait, but i guess it was just one of those days.
anyway, after waiting 3 hours outside her office in the middle of a beautiful day,
i saw her.
didn't have to do an examination.
just showed her my pills and she wrote me a prescription to last me for 3 months.
she didn't charge us for "waiting 3 hours just to get pills."
and when we went to la pharmacie to fill it, they gave me all 3 months' supply
and being that i didn't have insurance, the total was still one-third less than
what i would pay in the states for the same prescription without health insurance.
merci, dr. larcher.
(she looks like elise keaton from "family ties"!)

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