Friday, July 04, 2008

can i get a democrat, please?

need i preface by saying that i get politics? well, for the record, i get it. i do. before a general election, candidates say things to gain votes from different demographics. the problem i have with this election (and frankly, the last three, as well) is that not only are both the elephant and the donkey going after the god-fearing, lord-have-mercies who cast their judgment rods on us lowly heathens (more commonly known as the christian right or the "evangelical" vote), but they're tooting similar stances on my shit, i.e. my body, i.e. what i can or can't legally do with my body, to these jesus-freaks.

apparently someone in obama's campaign thinks their vote is vital to winning in november. so much so that he just said this today:

"Now, I don't think that 'mental distress' qualifies as the health of the mother. I think it has to be a serious physical issue that arises in pregnancy, where there are real, significant problems to the mother carrying that child to term."

i don't know about anyone else, but to me obama might as well be saying, "I think Roe vs. Wade is crock of shit which ruling needs to be reversed."

obviously, if this dude is our democratic nominee come august, i will vote for him, but what the fuck? at least play the role of a democrat for the sake of your own party. right fam? otherwise, what would be the difference between a republican and a democrat? you know what i'm saying? how is obama agreeing with mccain on one of the most important issues that traditionally distinguishes one party from the other?

i don't give a fuck if this is just some symbolic gesture on homie's part to reach out to the least intelligent demographic of america, i am heated. no man, especially a democrat, should have any judgment in regards to women's issues except to say that they support a woman's right to choose. period. any of you dudes out there have something to say against that, go ahead and try me. i'll give you "mental distress" so real and significant enough to put you in a hospital.

happy fucking freedom day.

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