Monday, June 12, 2006

the weekend

i haven't actually had a "weekend" in a long time. before this past one, my weekends landed on sundays and mondays and consisted of sleeping and sunbathing. i almost couldn't handle anything more than a nice dinner or just drinks at the irish pub as working at the shop was like full-time socializing and hosting.

anyway, this past weekend was packed with social events from my parents' birthdays to my cousin's graduation to checking out some events in this great city.

DSCN1882friday night. my bro and i at soundlessons at star shoes. this man right here finished 2nd in his team for his first triathalon.

DSCN1884d steez is moving to nashville in july... huh??!!

DSCN1905saturday afternoon. my ate's new ride. on the way to tita carol's pad in the scv, what.

DSCN1917sunday eve. chilling at mia's pad.

DSCN1920later that eve in downtown. am feeling this spot right here introduced to me by mia and mills. this place is telling me, "wedding reception." hmmm...

DSCN1923same spot. poolside. mills snapping photos.


DSCN1929ms. mia keeping our glasses full.

DSCN1925and there's a jacuzzi. mackenzie would love this spot.

DSCN1930view from poolside. seriously, this place is calling my name.

DSCN1934later, later on that eve at little temple.

DSCN1935mills saw this sign on the way home, "the sign is handmade," a rarity these days.

in between all of these special moments, don't forget world cup! even after some long nights, i still have my t.v. set to turn on automatically at 8:30am on univision to check out at least one game per day. thank goodness for gatorade to keep those hangovers away. i wonder if they sell gatorade in barcelona...

DSCN1940speaking of gatorade, talk about wonderful. a bottle of champagne, a huge shot of tequila, and 4 hours of sleep didn't stop me from having a great monday with little q, her little ponies and the playground.

and speaking of great products, boost mobile is the real deal. for someone like me, pre-paid cell phones are your best friend. and in this case, not only are boost mobile's pay-as-you-go rates the best, you have the option to get unlimited daily web access for only 20 cents per day. i'm saying, you can check your email, get directions, chat, upload photos, update your blog, etc. from your phone any time, any where (did i mention that they're powered by nextel?). where you at, for real.


MONKEYfightingSTYLE said...

whoa- it looks like those ponies are floating...

MONKEYfightingSTYLE said... looks like those ponies are floatin'