Tuesday, January 31, 2006

bread & butter berlin

aside from it being something you eat on the side, it's also one of europe's biggest fashion tradeshows that takes place in the city of - not the band - berlin.

and after spending 5 days in a city which i can only describe as berlin - because of its unique history (you can see a brick trail of where the wall used to stand), wherein each night i dreamt of cuts, materials, catalogues, seasons and exchanging business cards (thus feeling like i never got any sleep), i'm pooped.

en tout cas, s'est bien passé le voyage à berlin. car c'est une ville metropolitaine, c'est plus comme chez moi - with more young people like me, good shopping, a variety of different foods (not just sausage and beer), art everywhere... in other words, a scene exists there, and that's golden for the l.a. chick that i am.

...okay, weather permitting.

plus de détails à bientôt.

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