Thursday, March 26, 2009

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

am i blu(e).

slashes & burns.
i do a great job of covering them up.
can't tell if i ever got them in the first place.
and then spring comes a week early.
ça me fait depecher des trucs.
but karma's setting the vibe:
doucement tout.
and the realization comes.
la vie me vit.
in bloom.



three-day old max.

la parada.

female highs in h.p.

masa & funky soleness.

j-town comme d'hab.

walking grand.

grandlux sesh.

sls hotel. g37 coupe convertible comes to l.a.

office hopping.

jesus christ. spring!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

fine lines...

i don't know if i'm being stubborn or strong any more.

i am falling for 808s & heartbreak. just when i thought i was done with homie's current steez. talk about channeling shit into goodness. grief becomes dope.

my unexpected motivation.

philippines & heartbreak.

Saturday, March 07, 2009

more sunshiny days.

since feeling is first
who pays any attention
to the syntax of things
will never wholly kiss you;

wholly to be a fool
while Spring is in the world

- e.e.cummings

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

"scènes de la vie de bohème"

right now. i'm completely aware of my surroundings. the challenge is to be disinterested (in the most serene sense of the word). so while i'm hushing the mind, the body speaks. and my body seriously has been calling the shots. doc says it's attributed to a t-word. writing/saying it sounds so cliché, war-related. but i guess that's what i've been through. anyway, i'm calling it a very strong jolt to my being.

perfect timing, venus is in retrograde. but i have to admit it would be fun to get caught up in some sort of mature male distraction. a mr. big, if you will (that's all day). instead i hit up exhale, & lisa gave me some deep tissue goodness that's only starting to kick in right now actually.

and no liqs. i'd like to think that concretely fulfills the love planet's hiatus. saved me from getting into too much trouble in vegas. speaking of which, my type of guy does not hang out there. it was just a bit too button-down (many with non-sensical screen-printed "tattoo" designs on them), gel'd, clean-shaven, and alcoholic for my tastes. i ♥ rough & travel. with a lot creative. chill.

and so begins march. hazy. intuitive. funky.

after 40 pages of instructions.

mia & pot.

mia & francis at millie's baby shower.



venetian solo before the festivities.

ça commence...

legs & pole.

the bachelorette.

this bamboo doorknocker kept following us.

g for real.

safer sex kits.

not sure of the logic behind this game...
the hearts are made of velcro. it's like catch the penis?

marilyn, che, & michelle.


april, tricia, & kara.

lilia & tricia.


i like her handbag.