before millie left, all hell broke loose one night, and a person of the male sex punched me in the face. the result: a sprained nose and a black left eye. i'm happy to say that my face finally has no trace of injury after three weeks of hiding under hats and sunglasses and hearing/telling boring, repetitive recollections of how i received the damned thing.
two days after millie left for l.a. (i miss you mills!! you're funny!!!), the planned/spontaneous tour of oliver, lee, chris, chany, paul, jon, dan, danny, and mike to the cote d'azur commenced. i like to think that i'm a gonzo-photo-journalist. at this point though, it's still too early to assess how this trip was for me - i've got more photographic details than my my mind can handle, but nonetheless i was stoked on having the opportunity to catch up with old friends and making new ones.
some preliminary thoughts:
oliver is as darling as ever;
have you met euro-roberts? he wears a beard, sips red wine in the evening, and smokes hashish;
chany the jedi has a great smile;
lee is a cool cat who i feel makes an amazing dance partner;
dan is one creative, multi-tasking wonder;
danny, "this is better than any birthday i've ever had;"
york: being in the company of men;
and more... but for later. meanwhile, the air has been feeling a bit more brisk these days, and my sunbathing sessions are numbered.