Monday, September 26, 2005

baby steps

i'm through waves of frustration as the move into my apartment is still happening. yeah, yeah, one thing at a time - i know! but these one-things are taking their sweet time, all to indulge in my quest for patience. one of these one-thingers is wiring the apartment up to rest of the world... and as of today, that hasn't happened yet. in any case, it's been a while since i last blogged-in. needless to say, a lot has happened.

before millie left, all hell broke loose one night, and a person of the male sex punched me in the face. the result: a sprained nose and a black left eye. i'm happy to say that my face finally has no trace of injury after three weeks of hiding under hats and sunglasses and hearing/telling boring, repetitive recollections of how i received the damned thing.

my shiner, originally uploaded by mjane.

two days after millie left for l.a. (i miss you mills!! you're funny!!!), the planned/spontaneous tour of oliver, lee, chris, chany, paul, jon, dan, danny, and mike to the cote d'azur commenced. i like to think that i'm a gonzo-photo-journalist. at this point though, it's still too early to assess how this trip was for me - i've got more photographic details than my my mind can handle, but nonetheless i was stoked on having the opportunity to catch up with old friends and making new ones.

the boys in st. paul, originally uploaded by mjane.

cagnes sur mer: setting up, originally uploaded by mjane.

some preliminary thoughts:
oliver is as darling as ever;
have you met euro-roberts? he wears a beard, sips red wine in the evening, and smokes hashish;
chany the jedi has a great smile;
lee is a cool cat who i feel makes an amazing dance partner;
dan is one creative, multi-tasking wonder;
danny, "this is better than any birthday i've ever had;"
york: being in the company of men;

and more... but for later. meanwhile, the air has been feeling a bit more brisk these days, and my sunbathing sessions are numbered.

Monday, September 05, 2005

"c'est ma copine amelie"


wish at fondation maeght, originally uploaded by mjane.

mills and me, a.k.a. shinah, originally uploaded by mjane.

just looking, originally uploaded by mjane.

the cafe uptown, originally uploaded by mjane.